Monday, August 31, 2015

Mommy Battles

Many people have asked me if Motherhood is easier or harder than I thought it would be. My answer always seems to surprise people; "Easier". But that one word answer doesn't really do my meaning justice. See, I've had a lot of experience with children. From babysitting, family and nannying to my career, I have been knee deep in children. So I knew that being a mom would be a lot of work.
When I was pregnant, I found myself liking the kids, but very dissatisfied with the task. I was bored for one thing. So I figured being a mom would be similar and I despaired about what I was getting myself into. It turns out that it is completly different with your own child. So all the amount of work is still there, doubled by 24/7 attention to this little child. But it is easier because I am so in love with my baby. I love to do the work, which always makes things, 'easier'.

These past few weeks I have met my match with what I have to give up to be a good mom. Isaac has struggled with his bowel movements since day one. However, I was ignorant of how much he struggled until recently because I thought it was normal! Here is my first child, with no prior knoweldge, so I figured everything was normal. However, several strong warning signs woke me up to the danger. I did some research and also went to his doctor and we were able to figure out the culprit. Dairy. And soy. And eggs. and wheat. Possibly all or just some of them.

So I took everything out of my diet! Luckily, dinners at our household are always meat and vegetable based anyways, so there hasn't been a big change there. But lunches and breakfasts are hard! I finally found a great lunch, thanks to my sister-in-law.

Spicy sausage with Zucchini Noodles

I've seen such a huge improvement though, it is amazing. We've gone from 15 diapers a day to 6, it's amazing.

We just signed the contract of our new apartment, and I'll be blogging next week about the move! Isaac woke up sick yesterday and is miserable, so we will see how fun this week will be with me packing and holding him at the same time.

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